miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

AN EMAIL TO A FRIEND, Alberto Pérez Rey

Dear Daniel,
Hi man! Hope you're well. Your mother told me you want to come to my Hall of Residence to spend a whole school year. Are you crazy? Do you want to get murdered? Coming here was the worst decision I've made. The hell-hole of your future Residence has rooms that are dingy and filthy. Itś not only that they're small and dirty but also they're full of drug addicts and drunkards. And you want to came here? That's insane. Here there are parties everywhere and everyday, that's not nice, that's horrible. But don't worry, the police always come before durg addicts kill somebody. If you come here, you'll be buried in syringes and cocaine, just think about it.

I think you should live with a host family. They're usually very nice and these houses are close to the school. And the food, oh God, just go there and you'll come rolling home. But don't worry about beeing fat, there are sports facilities nearby. So Daniel, plesae, think about it. Do you want to be between drug addicts or do you want to have a nice hot chocolate every morning?

Hope to see you soon man!
Sincerely, Alberto.

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